Lenord, Bauer & Co. GmbH
Dohlenstrasse 32
46145 Oberhausen
Phone: +49 208 9963-0
Fax: +49 208 676292
Commercial register: District Court Duisburg HRB 12033
VAT ID No.: DE811304153
Managing Directors: Dr. Rudo Grimm, Dr. Matthias Lenord
Data Protection Officer: Enno Peters, Torsten Hatscher (Stellvertreter), Datenschutz-Experten UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG
We reserve all rights, including, but not limited to, whole or partial photo-mechanical reproduction, duplication and distribution via special processes (for example data processing, data carriers, data networks). We assume no liability for any printing errors or the correctness of the entries.
Trademark law
We expressly point out that the designations, trademarks, logos and brand names mentioned and shown on this website are the property of the respective companies and/or persons, and are subject to copyright!
Internet conditions
The Internet functions as decentralised interconnected network with temporary storage and transfer of temporary data. At present, there can be neither a guarantee against the possible manipulation or inadvertent corruption of data, nor a guarantee that only current data will be used (e.g., because an old version is still in cache) in the communication path between provider and user. We therefore advise you of this system-related limitation as follows: You receive this data subject to the Internet conditions. We assume no liability for the accuracy of the information and its conformity with the original data.
According to the ruling by the regional court LG Hamburg as of May 12, 1998 the inclusion of links may also lead to co-responsibility of the material offered via these links. According to the LG Hamburg, responsibility can only be disclaimed by expressly distancing oneself from the contents of the linked websites. We have provided links to other Internet sites. The following applies to all these links: We want to stress that we have no influence whatsoever on contents or design of the linked sites. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from the contents of all pages linked from our sites. We are not responsible for the content of those sites. This declaration applies to all links contained on our sites and the contents of all sites to which the respective links lead.
Responsible for content
Dr. Rudo Grimm
Eyerock Studios
Rüsterweg 10
46147 Oberhausen
Dipl.-Des. Markus Ceh, Mülheim a. d. Ruhr
Tel: 0151 4325 9006